The interviewer asks this special education teacher interview question to understand your motivation, passion, and suitability for the role. They want to understand your commitment to working with gifted children and your understanding of the challenges and responsibilities that come with the job. Your special education teacher's answer helps them assess whether you have the right mindset, skills, and dedication to excel in the field of special education.

Pro Tips
- Explain why you feel a strong calling to work with exceptional children and how it aligns with your personal values and goals. Share personal experiences or stories that have influenced your decision.
- Highlight your tech-savviness by providing concrete examples of your past technology utilisation, integration of assistive technologies, and adaptive tools to address diverse learning needs. Additionally, convey your enthusiasm for staying up to date with the latest developments in the field.
- Discuss the individualised approach and unique strategies you use to meet children's needs
- Discuss your understanding of special education's diverse subjects and areas of expertise. Highlight your passion for topics like neurology, behaviour analysis, and data analysis, and talk about how this knowledge contributes to your effectiveness as a special educator.
- Explain how being a special educator perfectly harmonises with your persona as a VOKE citizen (Vibrant, Open-minded, Knowledgeable, and Engaged.
Sample Answer
I have always felt a deep calling to become a special educator, as it is not just a job for me but a heartfelt aim to help these exceptional children stand out and reach their highest potential. My passion for utilising technology to its fullest extent sets me apart as a special educator. I am extremely tech-savvy and always stay well-versed in the latest advancements, whether it's incorporating visual aids, utilising the latest hearing devices, or implementing vibrotactile aids. I firmly believe that integrating technology can greatly assist my special children in growing and aligning with the competitive world around them.
One of the most rewarding aspects of special education is the opportunity to create individualised plans for each student. This aspect allows me to explore my creativity in finding unique approaches to support their needs, which presents daily challenges that constantly push me to grow and evolve as an educator.
As a special educator, I am also deeply committed to collaboration. Engaging with parents, guardians, doctors, counsellors, and psychologists is a vital part of my role. By working together as a team, we can provide the best possible support and care for these exceptional children, ensuring a holistic and comprehensive approach to their development.
What I find truly fascinating about special education is that it encompasses a vast range of subjects. From neurology to behaviour analysis, from creating pedigree charts to developing statistical models for measuring progress, special education requires a deep understanding of various fields. Fortunately, these subjects happen to be some of my favourites, which fuels my enthusiasm and dedication to continuously expanding my knowledge.
Lastly, I am a passionate advocate for inclusivity, and as the world becomes more focused on embracing diversity, my commitment to this cause only grows stronger. As a responsible and engaged citizen, I believe that being a special educator allows me to contribute directly to building an inclusive society where every individual, regardless of their abilities, is valued and empowered to thrive.