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Top 5 Book Recommendations for Teachers
April 19, 2022
5 min read

We’ve compiled a well-rounded list of inspirational and professional development books every teacher must read once in their lives.

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How can Teachers Cope Up with Stress?
April 5, 2022
8 min read

Learn from expert Dr. Priyanka Dang how to cope with anxiety, depression and stress and find useful techniques for stress management, especially as teachers.

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Is Teaching an Easy Job?
March 3, 2022
4 min read

Is Teaching an Easy Job?

Simran Agarwal

Yes, you are not called in the middle of the night, but teaching surely is a tough, comprehensive job that requires skills and creativity.

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What Does a School Leader Look for in a Candidate?
April 13, 2022

What Does a School Leader Look for in a Candidate?

In this masterclass, learn:

  • Assessment and Data- Differentiation using more than 'ability level'
  • Teacher Questioning (critical and High order thinking)
  • Communication to stakeholders (Who, What, Where, When, Why)
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How Should Teachers Prepare for Interviews?
March 30, 2022

How Should Teachers Prepare for Interviews?

In this masterclass, learn:

  • What is the evaluation criteria during interviews?
  • 5 steps to follow while preparing for interviews.
  • What are the most commonly asked questions during interviews?
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