Professional Development

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Professional Development

Teach Beyond Borders

Ready for a life-changing experience? Teach abroad and immerse yourself in a new culture with rewarding teaching opportunities at your fingertips.

Featured Resources


All you Need to Know About Bloom's Taxonomy
December 1, 2021
4 min read

The terminology taxology, in simple terms, means classification. Derived from bloom’s taxonomy, it is used to describe a student’s learning methodology.

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7 Effective Teaching Methods and Strategies Teachers Should Know
November 23, 2021
8 min read

Teachers are required to come up with different teaching methods and strategies in a classroom for ensuring learning for all kinds of students I 5 teaching methods

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How to Create a Teacher’s Professional Summary?
November 15, 2021
4 min read

A good professional summary goes a long way in securing international teaching jobs. Create a Suraasa profile for FREE and download it as a CV.

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How to make online classrooms more engaging?
October 17, 2021

How to make online classrooms more engaging?

In this masterclass, learn:

  • Significance of technology in teaching
  • Understanding students' behaviour in online classes
  • Techniques to engage online classroom
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Move Abroad for Teaching: Where, Why, and How?
September 30, 2021

Move Abroad for Teaching: Where, Why, and How?

In this masterclass, learn:

  • Why should you consider moving abroad for teaching?
  • About the best teaching opportunities available abroad.
  • How can teachers prepare for them?
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