Professional Development

Take on the changing times head-on by upskilling yourself with high-quality pedagogy content.
Professional Development

Teach Beyond Borders

Ready for a life-changing experience? Teach abroad and immerse yourself in a new culture with rewarding teaching opportunities at your fingertips.

Featured Resources


Summer Break Preparation Kit for Teachers
June 8, 2022
9 mins read

Read this blog to prepare yourself for the annual summer break and make these holidays both fun and productive at the same time.

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How Teachers can Leverage Social Media for Professional Development
June 1, 2022
8 min read

Explore different social media channels to find ideas, inspiration, and information for better teacher career management & classroom experiences.

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Successful Teaching is all about Upskilling ft. Ms Varsha Agarwal
May 18, 2022
6 min read

With over 20 years of rich experience in the ‘Education Industry’, Ms Varsha Agarwal Rodewald (School Principal at Ascend International School, India) shares her valuable insights and teaching tips for the 21-st century Teachers.

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How to make online classrooms more engaging?
October 17, 2021

How to make online classrooms more engaging?

In this masterclass, learn:

  • Significance of technology in teaching
  • Understanding students' behaviour in online classes
  • Techniques to engage online classroom
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Move Abroad for Teaching: Where, Why, and How?
September 30, 2021

Move Abroad for Teaching: Where, Why, and How?

In this masterclass, learn:

  • Why should you consider moving abroad for teaching?
  • About the best teaching opportunities available abroad.
  • How can teachers prepare for them?
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