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Mar 28, 2023
4 min read

Professional Development Activities

Professional Development Activities

Professional development activities are essential for teachers to continue growing and improving their skills.

Caselet: Professional Development Activities for High School English Teachers

Background: A high school in a suburban area wanted to provide professional development opportunities for its English teachers to improve their teaching practices and increase student engagement in the classroom.

Professional Development Activities:

Syllabus redesign: The high school engaged a curriculum specialist to work with the English department to restructure the school syllabus, incorporating new teaching strategies and instructional materials.

Peer observations: Teachers were encouraged to conduct peer observations, observing each other's teaching practices and providing feedback and support.

Book clubs: The English department started book clubs, where teachers read and discussed books related to English teaching and pedagogy, sharing their insights and learning from each other.

Professional learning communities: The high school established professional learning communities (PLCs), where teachers met regularly to discuss teaching practices, share resources, and support each other.

Webinars and online courses: Teachers were provided with access to webinars and online courses on topics such as differentiated instruction, student engagement, and assessment.

Guest speakers: The high school invited guest speakers, such as published authors, poets, and journalists, to speak to English classes and provide insight into the writing process and the importance of reading and writing.

Outcome: The professional development activities provided for the English teachers at this high school helped improve their teaching practices, increase student engagement, and ultimately, improve student learning outcomes. The teachers reported feeling more confident in their abilities to teach English, and students reported feeling more engaged and interested in the subject. The book clubs and PLCs helped foster a culture of collaboration and support, and the access to webinars and online courses provided teachers with ongoing opportunities for growth and development.

Here are some professional development activities that you can explore and engage in:

Attend Conferences and Workshops: Conferences and workshops offer opportunities to learn about new teaching strategies and techniques, exchange ideas with colleagues, and gain inspiration for new and efficient teaching practices.

Participate in Online Courses: Online courses offer flexibility and convenience of time and pace to learn new skills and knowledge.

Engage in Mentoring and Coaching: Mentoring and coaching programmes can provide support and guidance from experienced educators to help them improve teaching practices.

Collaborate with Colleagues: Collaboration with colleagues to share ideas, co-plan lessons and units, and provide feedback to each other helps improve teaching practices.

Engage in Action Research: Action research involves conducting research on one's own teaching practices to improve them. Data on teaching practices can be collected and analysed (individually or in collaboration with other teachers) to make informed decisions about future practices.

Read Professional Journals and Books: Reading professional journals and books can help stay up-to-date on the latest research and best practices in education.

Participate in Professional Learning Communities: Professional learning communities provide opportunities to collaborate with colleagues in a structured and ongoing way to improve teaching practices.

By engaging in these professional development activities, you can improve your teaching practices, increase your effectiveness in the classroom, and ultimately, improve student learning outcomes.

If you want to dive deeper into this area of teaching and learning, please feel free to check out our course on Teacher Standards 4.

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Suraasa Team

Suraasa Team

Suraasa Team helps teachers achieve greater professional and financial growth through mentorship and upskilling.

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