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June 20, 2024
8 min read

How to Pursue an M.Ed Degree While Teaching Full Time?

How to Pursue an M.Ed Degree While Teaching Full Time?
Written By
Aashita Pillai

Aashita Pillai

Aashita is a writer here at Suraasa and has formerly worked as a Teacher Mentor for a couple of years. She wields words like weapons to help readers get clear and concise information.

As a full-time teacher, advancing your education and career might seem challenging with your current schedule. However, an online Master of Education (M.Ed) degree offers the perfect solution.

Flexible and designed to fit around your commitments, these programs allow you to enhance your teaching skills without disrupting your daily life. An online M.Ed degree can be the key to unlocking new career opportunities while you continue to impact your students positively.

Teacher balancing classroom with Online masters in education”

With an understanding of the overall advantages of online education, let's explore the 2 specific features you should look for in an online M.Ed degree. These will ensure it aligns with your career goals and fits seamlessly into your hectic teaching schedule.

What Kind of Online M.Ed Degree Should You Consider?

With so many online Master of Education programs available, how do you decide which one to go for? Well, here are two factors that are absolute non-negotiables:

1. Online M.Ed Degrees That Make You Adaptable

In the fast-changing world of teaching, being adaptable isn't just nice—it's necessary. The right online Master of Education program teaches you how to adjust quickly. You'll learn to implement new teaching strategies, meet evolving educational standards, and respond to your students' changing needs. It's all about staying ready for anything that comes your way. With this kind of training, you're not just keeping up; you're leading the way.

2. Online M.Ed Degrees That Are Recognized & Approved

It’s crucial to enhance your qualifications and ensure these new credentials are respected and valued. A program like International Teachers University’s M.Ed degree, approved by the HELC, USA, proves its high standards and global credibility. This recognition assures you that the education you receive is of the highest quality, widely accepted, and applicable in educational settings worldwide.

Master of education from ITU

Want to learn more about this recognized online M.Ed. degree from ITU? Connect on a 1-1 call with an ITU Advisor!

With a clear understanding of the type of program that fits your needs, let’s explore some practical tips for successfully pursuing this degree.

10 Tips for Successfully Pursuing an M.Ed. Degree While Teaching Full Time

1. Align Your Studies with Teaching Practices

A great benefit of pursuing your M.Ed. degree is applying what you learn directly to your teaching. Design classroom projects that can also serve as assignments for your M.Ed degree.

M.Ed full form plus teacher with tablet

For example, If your M.Ed. course requires a project on classroom management, implement a new system in your class like reward-based behavior management chart. Analyze the results for your coursework while actively improving classroom dynamics. 

This dual-purpose approach saves time and enriches your students' learning experiences with the latest concepts you are studying.

2. Network with Teachers Globally

Unlock a world of ideas! Networking with teachers globally broadens your perspective and injects fresh insights into your teaching methods. By connecting with peers from different cultures and educational systems, you'll discover new approaches and share your own experiences. It’s like having a global classroom at your fingertips.

3. Compile a Professional Portfolio

Building a professional portfolio is like creating a showcase of your educational journey. Document your projects, research, and innovative teaching strategies. This portfolio tracks your progress and highlights your capabilities for future employers or advancement opportunities.

Portfolio for a teacher

4. Regularly Consult with your M.Ed Degree Faculty

Feeling stuck on an assignment or need clarity on lecture material? Regular sessions with your professors can save the day. They’re not just instructors; they’re your academic guides. 

Set up weekly or biweekly calls to dive deep into your studies or untangle tricky topics. This connection can illuminate your path and sometimes, just knowing you have that support makes all the difference!

Faculty in a master of education program

Best part about faculty in an online Master of Education? 

They’re often based in multiple countries and have experience teaching in diverse curricula. This global relevance ensures that you become globally competitive after your online M.Ed degree.

5. Schedule Regular Digital Detoxes

Screen overload is real, especially when juggling teaching and studying. It's essential to carve out time for digital detoxes to refresh your mind.

Detox from your M.Ed course

How about a tech-free Saturday or a yoga evening after classes? These breaks are crucial for clarity and longevity in both your career and studies. 

6. Secure Workplace Support

Balancing a full-time job with your studies? Talk to your employer about your Master of Education journey. Many are surprisingly supportive and may offer flexibility like adjusted hours or study leaves. 

This isn’t just about managing your schedule; it’s about building a supportive professional environment that encourages your growth.

7. Automate your Tasks

Streamlining repetitive tasks saves a ton of time. Whether it’s using automated email responses or setting up grading templates, each little tweak adds up. 

“Automation tools for teachers pursuing M.Ed course

For instance, use a tool like Google Classroom to automate sending out weekly student feedback. 

Less time on administrative tasks means more for your M.Ed. degree or even just to catch your breath!

8. Organize Peer Teaching Sessions

Learning by teaching is a powerful tool. Arrange regular sessions where you and your peers teach each other content from your M.Ed courses.

Peer teaching during master of education program

This not only reinforces your knowledge but also gives you fresh insights into how you can teach concepts more effectively. Plus, discussing with peers keeps the material lively and engaging.

9. Utilize Early Morning Study Sessions

Make mornings your secret weapon. Quiet, uninterrupted time can be incredibly productive. 

Morning study session for online masters in education

Setting up a routine where the first thing you do is dive into your studies can start your day with a major win. You'll be surprised how much you can achieve in those early hours, leaving you better prepared for the day ahead.

10. Leverage Audiobooks and Podcasts

Maximize your downtime by listening to educational content on the go. Audiobooks and podcasts can turn your commute or jogging time into a dynamic learning session.

Wrapping Up

As a full-time teacher, advancing your education should complement, not complicate, your life. An online Master’s in Education is crafted with educators like you in mind, blending seamlessly into your busy schedule. 

With the right program, you can enrich your teaching skills and expand your professional horizon without stepping away from the classroom. Embrace this opportunity to enhance your career and continue making a significant impact on your students’ lives.

Ready to pursue an M.Ed degree with your teaching job?
Explore how International Teachers University's Master’s in Education might be the right fit for you. Connect with an Admission Advisor for personalized guidance.
Schedule My Advisory Session


Can I work full-time as a teacher while still managing an M.Ed degree?
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How do online M.Ed courses ensure quality education comparable to traditional on-campus programs?
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What are the advantages of pursuing an online Master of Education (M.Ed) degree?
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Written By
Aashita Pillai

Aashita Pillai

Aashita is a writer here at Suraasa and has formerly worked as a Teacher Mentor for a couple of years. She wields words like weapons to help readers get clear and concise information.

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