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November 17, 2023
15 min read

How to Prepare for Your First Day of Teaching

How to Prepare for Your First Day of Teaching

Landing your dream teaching job is worth celebrating, but once the excitement fades away, the nervousness of beginning a new job crops up. From there on out, making sure your first day of teaching goes smoothly is your top priority. It's a day that can define the entire academic year & leave a lasting impression on your students.

Sounds like a lot? Don’t worry, we have created an ultimate checklist that will guide you through all the essential steps to ensure that your first day of teaching is a success. Let’s get started:

How to Prepare for the First Day of School as a Teacher

Young female teacher showing thumbs up at the camera sitting at a desk for how to start first day of teaching

First impressions are really essential. When you take the time to prepare for your first day, the jitters will easily evolve into comfortable confidence. 

Research and Planning 

To ensure a smooth start, conduct a bit of research about the school, including its culture, values, and the specific curriculum you'll be responsible for. Once you’re familiar with these aspects, you'll be better equipped to navigate the school's environment.

Next, focus on crafting a meticulously structured lesson plan. This plan should serve as your guiding light, ensuring you cover the necessary material while keeping the students engaged. Make room for adjustments and have extra teaching materials to seamlessly flow from one activity to the next.

Make sure you’re prepared to adapt to unforeseen changes. The best way to do this is by allocating buffer time between activities. This allows you to easily adjust your lesson if things don't go as planned. 

By investing time and effort into these crucial steps, you set the stage for a productive academic year on your very first day as a school teacher. So, dive into the research, create a flexible lesson plan, and step into your classroom ready to inspire and educate young minds.

Classroom Setup

Classroom setup is a critical aspect of preparing for your first day of teaching. Your classroom is your domain, and making sure it’s ready for the first day is a crucial task. Consider how you'll determine seating arrangements, organize classroom materials, and display decorations. Ensure that materials such as textbooks, supplies, and teaching aids are easily accessible and have backup supplies at the ready in case of unexpected shortages.

An efficient classroom layout allows you to arrange your teaching aids in an organized manner, saving instructional time and reducing disruptions.

Classroom set up with decorations

Beyond efficiency, a well-arranged classroom contributes to the comfort and well-being of both teachers and students. It fosters a positive teaching experience, enhancing teachers' morale and enthusiasm for their work, which, in turn, benefits the students' overall learning experience.

Attire and Supplies 

Your choice of clothing can significantly influence the first impression you make, particularly in educational settings. Dress professionally to convey your competence and dedication. To do so, familiarize yourself with the dress code at your educational institution. Different schools, colleges, and universities may have varying guidelines for what is considered appropriate attire. Most institutions demand their teachers to ensure that their clothing is clean, well-ironed, and in good condition. Wrinkles, stains, or frayed edges can detract from their professional image. Make sure to adhere to the guidelines prescribed by your school.

It’s also important to feel comfortable in what you wear. Uncomfortable clothing can affect your confidence and performance. Select attire that fits well, is made of breathable fabrics and allows you to move freely. When you feel comfortable, you naturally appear more confident and approachable.

As for supplies, keep a well-rounded approach. Start with the fundamentals, which typically include a notebook and pens for jotting down essential notes and reminders. In addition to these basic items, it's advisable to consider any supplies that are subject-specific such as textbooks, reference materials, art supplies, scientific equipment, etc.  

Similarly, your teaching style may demand specific tools, such as presentation slides, interactive whiteboard markers, or digital devices for multimedia presentations. Adapting your supplies to the nature of your subject matter and your pedagogical approach ensures that you are well-prepared to deliver effective and engaging lessons.

How to Introduce Yourself as a Teacher on the First Day

Young female teacher in a suit waving hello at the camera

The first day of school is not just about setting up your classroom or establishing rules- it's also your opportunity to make a memorable first impression as a teacher. An engaging introduction can set the tone for the entire academic year.

Here are some pointers to help you with how to give a good introduction to start first day of teaching:

  • Begin your introduction with a warm smile and a friendly greeting. A welcoming smile can instantly put your students at ease, making them feel valued and respected.
  • Share a bit about yourself- your passion for teaching, academic background, and interests. Let your students glimpse the person behind the teacher. 
  • Add a personal touch by sharing a short, relatable story or anecdote that connects you with your students. This can make you more approachable and relatable.
  • Express genuine interest and passion for the subject you’ll be teaching, as it can be contagious. When students see your excitement, it can ignite their curiosity and garner their interest in the subject matter.
  • Establish clear expectations from the get-go. Communicate your classroom rules, routines, and academic standards to help students understand what is expected of them.
  • Ask your students to introduce themselves, too, creating a two-way connection and fostering an inclusive classroom environment from day one.

All set to make a lasting first impression on your students? Awesome!  

Let's gear up and chat about the Do's and Don'ts for your first day of teaching. These tips are guaranteed to give a you 100% success rate! 

The Do's and Don'ts on Your First Day of Teaching

The first day of teaching can be quite hectic. You’d want everything to go perfectly, but there’s a lot to keep track of. To help you stay on top of things, here’s a list of do's and don'ts for your first day of teaching job.

What to Do on the First Day of School as a Teacher

5 Do's for your first day of teaching
  1. Be punctual and organized: Being on time and well-prepared can start your first day of school as a teacher on the right note. Arriving early gives you the opportunity to greet your students and colleagues with a welcoming and composed demeanor. It can also help you put together an organized classroom setup that sets the stage for a smooth beginning.
  1. Practice active listening and patience: Effective teaching begins with listening to your students. On your first day, pay attention to your students and their questions. Be patient and empathetic- this can help establish a classroom environment where students feel their voices are heard.
  1. Be approachable and friendly: Smile, engage in friendly conversations, and show a genuine interest in getting to know your students to create an inviting atmosphere. Approachability fosters trust and makes students more comfortable in your class.
  1. Get to know your students: Actively involve students in the teaching-learning process and ask questions. Encourage discussions and interactions to create an engaging classroom environment. Students who participate more tend to stay more focused and feel a stronger connection to the subject matter.
  1. Be mindful of cultural sensitivity: When working in a diverse classroom or an international school, acknowledge and respect the cultural diversity in your classroom. Familiarize yourself with cultural nuances to ensure an inclusive and welcoming classroom atmosphere.

What Not to Do on the First Day of School as a Teacher

5 Don'ts for your first day of teaching
  1. Prevent information overload: While it's essential to share key information, don’t overwhelm students with excessive details. Ensure you are introducing rules and expectations in a clear and concise manner.
  1. Be firm but fair: Developing a reasonable behavior to classroom discipline involves striking a balance between being too strict and too lenient. It's important to maintain order in the classroom without creating tension or chaos. 
  1. Don't single out students: Singling out students negatively, especially on the first day, can damage your relationships. You may not know your students well enough on the first day to single them out. It's important to take a few days to observe and understand their behavior before addressing any issues tactfully. This approach allows for a more informed and fair response.
  1. Don't assign too much homework: It’s best not to assign high amounts of homework on the first day of your teaching job. Give students time to acclimate to the class and gradually introduce homework assignments as the year progresses. Overloading them initially can lead to them feeling frustrated and negative toward your lessons.

What to Say to Your Students on the First Day of Teaching

Male teacher talking to students in a classroom

1. Introduction

Start with a warm and welcoming greeting. Use icebreakers to initiate conversations and encourage students to interact with each other. You can start off with simple questions like, "What's your favorite book?" or "Share an interesting fact about yourself," which can help you get to know your students better.

2. Subject Matter Communication

From the first day of your teaching experience, it's essential to introduce the subject matter in an engaging and exciting way. It not only conveys your enthusiasm for teaching but also gets students excited about your lesson. Narrate a captivating story related to the topic you're going to cover. You can also use multimedia like videos, images, or props to make the introduction more visually stimulating.

3. Express your Availability

Encourage your students to ask questions. Let them know that you're available to support them both in and out of the classroom. This will help you in the long run, and your students won’t hesitate to reach out to you if needed.

How to Connect with Your Colleagues on the First Day of School as a Teacher

Group of young teachers talking to each other

1. Take the First Step to Connect

On the first day, take the initiative to introduce yourself to fellow teachers and school administrators. Building good working relationships with colleagues is essential for a positive teaching experience. Show enthusiasm about collaborating and contributing to the school community. 

2. Expand your Network

Consider expanding your network by joining relevant WhatsApp groups or online forums in your school’s teaching community. These connections can provide insights, resources, and opportunities to learn more about the school and help you with your teaching job.

3. Invest Time to Build Relationships

Go beyond surface-level connections and invest time in getting to know your colleagues on a deeper level. Discuss your teaching philosophies, exchange innovative teaching practices, and offer support when needed. Strong professional relationships can lead to collaboration, shared experiences, and a positive working environment.


Getting the job of your dreams is an exciting achievement, but it is only the beginning. While you may be battling a whirlwind of emotions, the right preparation and a positive mindset can ensure that your first day of teaching is the start of a successful academic year. 

As you step into your classroom, remember that your passion for teaching can ignite a similar enthusiasm in your students. So, embrace the excitement, stay focused, and follow the strategies presented here to ensure a successful first day of teaching experience.

Ready to start your teaching journey but not sure how to begin? Connect with a mentor who can guide you through the process and help you kick-start your teaching career! Book a 30-minute 1-1 call with an expert mentor today by clicking the button below.


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Written By
Simran Agarwal

Simran Agarwal

Simran is a writer here at Suraasa and has formerly worked as a Teacher. She is passionate about learning and making a difference through her words.

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